Okay, Round 4 in the Camera Saga.
This time I’m testing, and hopefully loving the Canon S2IS which comes with 12x Zoom and a SuperMacro that allows for 1cm Macro shots.
The major issue with today’s testing was trying to keep the lens from touching the snow flake I was trying to photograph. I’m a much happier camper.
The complaints so far:
- severely crappy lens cap
- ISO only goes to 400, not 1600 like the Fuji. Which means low light and natural light shots are going to be more challenging again.
- Heavier than the Fuji & Kodak
- Flash doesn’t pop up automatically. Though I don’t use the flash, so I should be happy I don’t have to constantly be turning it off.
- It’s silver… I know that is a petty complaint, but facts is facts, black matches my wardrobe better.
- Super Macro doesn’t work in the "Snow" setting… but hey, there’s a snow setting!!
- oh, and it has a stupid flip out display. Which means another thing to fuss with, and because it flips out, it’s not designed to do as well when viewed from different angles when it’s not flipped out.
(Hey, I’m a critic by profession, you didn’t expect a balanced list did you?)
The bouncy bits so far:
- It does macro
- It does macro
- It does macro
- It does macro
- It has image stabilization… which means my shaky hands shouldn’t impact my shots so much
About 1/2 an hour of play and I’m pretty happy with it.
I can report that by a rough metric of the amount of complaining/annonyances with respect to a new camera, that this one is the winner.
So far, the leading complaint is the lens cap (which doesen’t seem insurmountable), so i think that this one is a keeper.
And with only one more day to return it… it’s a keeper. Decision made.
Now. About that lens cap. This seems to be the most popular solution — a Lensmate converter, a UV filter and a new lens cap… just love the increasing costs.