5YAT: Bad CBC, Bad Sasparilla, Good Lexa

14 December, 2004 – Warm a.m, Cooler p.m.

[This post is part of the 5 Years Ago Today Series]

When I was in the outhouse doing my morning ablutions100_1925_dec_13 I saw the store-side looked open and the river clear. I thought it was possible I could make it to shore today. However, the glen-side is still iced in. I considered dragging the boat along the ice to the open water at the gap. But it’s really not worth the risk. You know what they say about walking on thin ice.

Cursed CBC for their second day of the “Angina Monologues”. Really? Nothing uplifting and bouncy to distract me from fretting about my father on the shore recovering from heart surgery? No! Discussions of heart problems. Thanks CBC. Great timing. Had to turn them off again.

Split 2 of the BIG tree chunks. Wow! Do that for a while and splitting the little ones are a snap! So I did some of them too. Split a lot of wood today, but ended up leaving everything in the woods because I didn’t have any puppies with me.  Every time I brought them, they chuckled under their breath watching my sad attempts at splitting wood.

Back to the house to find Sasparilla loose, Sasparillabut on the porch. Good girl!  Tied her up, but to a broken lead (CRAP!) she got loose again and ran directly to the chicken house. I caught her emerging with the golden rooster in her mouth. Bad girl! By the time I got her tied up, the rooster was gone.  He was definitely wounded since there was blood on my mitt at the end of it all. Still haven’t found him.

They say it will go down to –13º tonight.  That should ice over the store-side.

Alexa Clark

Alexa is a digital marketer and author with over 20 years in digital & interactive communications in the food and tech industries. Alexa's CheapEats Restaurant Guides, for both Toronto & Ottawa, were Canadian best sellers. She is a recognized authority on social media and has been named one of Canada's 20 Leading Women in Social Media.

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