5YAT: I Blame CBC For My Meltdown

26 December, 2004 – Cold & Windy –14º

[This post is part of the 5 Years Ago Today Series]

Mainland: still wide open in HUGE patches and the gap is gaping. Beautiful ice structures where the ice formed against the rocks and then lifted off them with the tides.
Ice Fringe

Tidal River Ice Forming

Glen-side: Looks like 8-10” thick when I walked out parallel to Long Beach.

Big snow and wind tonight and tomorrow up to 20cm snow expected with winds gusting up to 70km.  With the impending BIG wind I won’t be crossing – I might just blow away. Not that I’ve dropped that much weight, it’s just that the ice is completely slick and there is zero traction.

Fucking got me again today with an “inspirational” (read really depressing) article on a father-daughter relationship and its evolution after his major life changing health issue. It hit way to close to the bone and I ended up bursting into tears when dad called and cursing at him for almost dying. Di was on the phone too and I hope dad was able to explain what was going on without her being overly concerned for my sanity.

It’s much easier to deal with these things when you can squash it down and help other people deal, or let time  slowly ease you into acceptance. Not so easy when alone on an island for extended periods with no one to talk to but dogs & chickens & bunnies & trees, and the who seems to be out to get me! Who knew the last of the “C”s stood for “conspiracy”  The bastards!Chickens & Bunnies Playing Together

Now I’m listening to junk radio on The Wave

Alex called, he figured I would be inundated with calls yesterday and would be in withdrawal today. He was right. I was able to talk through some stuff which really helped and when I thanked him for calling he simply said “It’s my job to make sure you’re okay”. It can be very humbling to realize how much people care for you. For me.

Alexa Clark

Alexa is a digital marketer and author with over 20 years in digital & interactive communications in the food and tech industries. Alexa's CheapEats Restaurant Guides, for both Toronto & Ottawa, were Canadian best sellers. She is a recognized authority on social media and has been named one of Canada's 20 Leading Women in Social Media.

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