My Bike

Basket MobileYes, this is my bike.  Gerry calls it the "basket-mobile."  I love my bike. 

My bike has been through a lot.  It’s been locked to railing, trees, staircases, statues and even occasionally bike racks.  It’s carried groceries, flowers, potting soil, toilet paper, booze, computers, and much much more.  It’s been knocked to the ground, bumped into curbs and even smashed into a car door that was opened in front of it.

However, those are not the reasons the bike is getting profiled.  The reason the bike is getting profiled is that it has been burgled.

After 5 years of stowing a flowery pillow in the basket of my bike, which has given me much sitting and leaning comfort when hanging out in parks, against trees and generally … around, someone has STOLEN my pillow. 

Seriously, I’ve been carrying this pillow around for years… I’ve left it in my basket everywhere I’ve gone… Eaton Centre, Yonge & Bloor, Chinatown East and West, Front Street, Little Italy, The Beaches, Cabbagetown…everywhere I can bike to, this pillow has been left open in the basket.  Simg6191I even left my bike, avec pillow, locked up on College Street for a week, with no one taking my pillow.   

But the one day I’m smart enough to shove the pillow into a plastic bag because it’s going to rain… some bastard steals my pillow.  Bastard!

I am now pillow-less.  What will I sit on in Grange park?  What will I lean against a tree and rest my weary head?  How will we have spontanious and public pillow fights?  This is disasterous.

Alexa Clark

Alexa is a digital marketer and author with over 20 years in digital & interactive communications in the food and tech industries. Alexa's CheapEats Restaurant Guides, for both Toronto & Ottawa, were Canadian best sellers. She is a recognized authority on social media and has been named one of Canada's 20 Leading Women in Social Media.

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