Intensity – Book launch Frenzy
Okay it’s a list day.
- Book Launch on Wednesday
- Over 180 people confirmed with a bunch of people I know are coming that haven’t confirmed… @ our average of 2/3rds attendance that’s still 120+ people… luckily capacity is 200. It’s going to ROCK!
- 2 more days.
- More than slightly crazed over here.
- First error in the book has been identified – wait for it… by a member of The Canadian Press. ARGH!!!!
- Luckily it’s a mislabeling on the map for Richmond Hill, where there is only 1 restaurant (which is in the real Richmond Hill), but still … ARGH!!!!
- We’ve already sold almost 300 books!
- I am unbelievably pumped about the launch party!
- CityTV camera crews will be in attendance, as will a CTV reporter, someone from, and well… a world full of fun and fascinating people. Which is strikingly more important!
- Guaranteed the food and wine are going to run out early, so make sure you come closer to 7pm than 9pm so you don’t miss out!
- So many cool people, so little time. So much fun to be had… now, what to wear?