Happy Pride!

Pride ArtYesterday while cycling over to our mailbox I saw this street art being created for Pride.

I spoke to the artist and he posed for a number of photos,
suggesting that I come back in a couple of hours to get a photo of the
painting further on. I agreed, and since he was also visiting with a
friend I figured I’d get his name on during the next photoshoot.

Sadly, when I swung back he was gone, and so was the painting.

But it was a great way to be reminded that this weekend is PRIDE.

While Pride actually started early last week, it’s this weekend when
things really get turned up. Our neighbourhood, and often our building,
becomes party central. With the Dyke March today and the Pride Parade
tomorow, everything nearby is filled with music, rainbow colours and
people of all shapes, sizes and inclinations wandering the street
expecting acceptance. It’s very cool.

So where ever you are and who ever you are – Happy Pride!

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Alexa Clark

Alexa is a digital marketer and author with over 20 years in digital & interactive communications in the food and tech industries. Alexa's CheapEats Restaurant Guides, for both Toronto & Ottawa, were Canadian best sellers. She is a recognized authority on social media and has been named one of Canada's 20 Leading Women in Social Media.

2 thoughts on “Happy Pride!

  • June 24, 2006 at 8:23 pm

    Hey – Great to see you and Happy Pride to you too! Sorry I was feeling rushed – why can I never stop feeling rushed? Pride always gives me this horribly over-stimulated “I can’t even think straight” feeling in my brain. Anyway – my apologies!

  • June 24, 2006 at 8:32 pm

    No apologies necessary, it was a wonderful surprise to see you too. Did you take as many photos as I did… geeze my camera filled up fast.


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