Simply unsweetened
Hi guys,
Yup, is up and replacing “Letters from Lex” and this is the first exclusively unsweetened post.
Warning: this post may cause boredom, disinterest and clicking away, since it is primarily for me to test the new blog. So as with most blogging – this post is for me, not so much for you.
I’ve just finished 4 days of networking-shmoozing-networking at Book Expo, which was great and a shmoozing-at-Book-Expo speaking engagement at Humber’s Creative Book Publishing program which was fun for me, and hopefully useful for the attendees.
So my focus now is on promoting the sale of, on the hopes that it will pull enough cash to buy Gerry a laptop; promoting CheapEats Ottawa; and preparing for my in-law’s 40th anniversary this weekend.
The rest of the time I’ll be trying to clean up both this site and our home so one or both is presentable for guests. For example is not yet working. “Why?” you might ask quite reasonably. “I have no bl**Ping clue” would be my less than reasonable response.
Quick final note: I have attempted to port all of the “Letters from Lex” postings to this site including merging the “Watching the Ice Form” blog — which documented my island time Nov’04, Dec’04 and Jan’05. It’s mostly photos that were posted when I was able to get off the island. You might find them amusing.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*pausesforbreath* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Yes indeedie!
Looks roomier… I like the carpet!