QotD: The Best Part of Waking Up…

What’s your morning beverage of choice?  Coffee, tea, juice?  Homemade or store-bought?


Optimally I’ll have my morning coffee served to me, piping hot, as I sit leisurely over a book pondering the future direction of my day with my cup on auto-refill.
Coffee Cup
However, I usually brew it myself and sip it distractedly while I read my email and get my day rolling. It’s uncommon for me to finish a full cup, it’s usually cold before I notice.
Another Meeting

My one-cup-a-day standard is occasionally broken by a mid-afternoon meeting, when I will get a Cappuccino – iced or hot depending on the weather.


Alexa Clark

Alexa is a digital marketer and author with over 20 years in digital & interactive communications in the food and tech industries. Alexa's CheapEats Restaurant Guides, for both Toronto & Ottawa, were Canadian best sellers. She is a recognized authority on social media and has been named one of Canada's 20 Leading Women in Social Media.

2 thoughts on “QotD: The Best Part of Waking Up…

  • August 17, 2006 at 6:01 pm

    That picture of the capucinno looks delicious.

    Where do you get the QotD?  I keep seeing them everywhere.

  • August 17, 2006 at 11:34 pm

    Christine, if you click on the little green Vox cloud in the top right-hand corner of your screen you will be taken to a summary page.

    There, in the right hand column, under the “Find Neighbours…” and “Share Vox…” you should see a blue and white box with the QofD in it. 

    Click “answer” and Vox will start up a response post to the QofD.

    Did that work?


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