All Hallows
In honour of the upcoming holiday, I have temporarily changed the design of this blog. (Okay, I saw the new design over on Spy's blog and I just had to have it to.)
In exchange for this one indulgence, I promise not to start posting in a Count Dracula accent. Not to start peppering my posts with phrases such as "I've come to suck your blood." I also promise you I won't call anything spook-tacular or say I'm had a howling good time,
Back to our regularly scheduled posting.
Wow, that’s a pretty creepy image up there..
I know you vant to starrt pooosting in a Count Draaacula accent.
reesie – damn! I can’t say it’s spook-tacular cuz I promised not to.
Spy – I so totally do. I’m also getting sleepy, veeeery sleepy. Now cluck like a chicken!
Even worse, I totally missed the Zombie Walk, so I can’t threaten to eat your brains… mmm… brains… sauteed in a hot pan with olive oil and a little garlic…