#29 Place Yourself – Lurker’s map
I’m checking out Platial.com – a tool which allows you to built collaborative/community maps – for the possibility of offering mapped locations on the CheapEats sites.
So I thought I should test it out collaboratively. For that I need you.
If you have a second, please place yourself on the Unsweetened Lurker’s map on unsweetened.ca.
Include your url (link love is lovely) and if you aren’t comfortable including your exact address use your favourite coffee shop or restaurant or library or whatever. I’m looking for cities not places to stalk you.
I’m hoping to figure out who is showing up on my cluster map as from South America, Australia and Mongolia. Eric is that you?
I tried, but Platial was not feeling the luv towards me this evening. Poop.
Hunh, thanks for letting me know. As I said I’m testing this out, so if it doesn’t work that’s something I want to know. Would you mind trying again and letting me know how it goes?
Lex I wonder if you are interested in going on Wed. I left you a private message via Vox as I don’t have your e-mail or contact number. You can either call me or e-mail if you still have my card. Thanks Tyson
Tyson – I just replied directly, but I’m in Ottawa so I can’t join you. Boo!!
vj – give it another try. I just got a private note another voxer, Tracy, who works at Platial and pro-actively got their developers to find us a fix to what I think was the issue you encountered. How cool is that?!?!? Pro-Active help. Platial just got a gold star from me.
(though she did say unsweetened.ca was cute… not sure
a good thing.)
Blegh. Well, I’ve successfully added my place (aka, vj, Portland OR USA), but the map is not coming up/loading at all. I am so bummed.
Now. Okay, the plot thickens. I jsut went to the Platial web site, and and the maps load fine, and I saw that some idiot named vj had loaded his location three times. Oh damn, that’s me. So for whatever reason, the map isn’t loading (for me) on unsweetened.ca. I’m using Mac, and I tried it on Firefox ( and on Safari (elderly addition).
I love Platial. They’re in my town dagnabit! We must get this to work!
vj – sorry about the delayed response – I’m on the road. I’m not sure what is going on with the map, but the “easy” installation of the MapKit into my blog is being offset by the complaints from the vocal minority. Platial isn’t really winning on this test is not really… but hey, that’s exactly why I did this. To see if it was easy to use for me, and for readers.
I’ll see if we can get it fixed when I get back to head office.