I’m Super…
I'm posting quickly random bits about my day to address those concerned that I've been abducted by aliens. (You know who you are.)
For those of you who called, or emailed, or just thought about it.. yes, you got it right,
today is my b'day. My 42nd b'day in fact. And oddly enough I barely slept last
night. Not due to excitement really… just … well… I'm not sure what. But
I watched a LOT of late night tv and it sucked. So when Ger
relocated me to bed this morning at 8am, I stayed there. Until 12.
(There are some serious advantages to working from home.)
Since then I've been hyper-busy – emailing, processing book orders, showering, and foraging for breakfast at 3pm on Yonge Street. (I got Tacos ($6.50) at a new takeout – Chimichanga Fresh Mexican Grill – on Yonge just south of Gould.)
But now it's time to clean up all the Xmas wrapping paper so the plethora of b'day
candles on my Chocolate Fudge Extreme b'day cake don't burn the house down.
Oh, and for my birthday I gave myself super-powers:
On the side of right, I am Wonder Woman (I think the push-up bra question gave me away)
You are a beautiful princess with great strength of character. |
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz… |
And on the other hand I am Dark Phoenix (humm… is that bad?)
[this is good] Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy birthday! Hope the day was what you wanted.
Thanks guys! It was a wonderfully quiet day. Not what I usually wish for my b’day, but exactly what I wanted this year. I’ll be back to b’day pub nights again next year.