Media Shows Up: 50 Paces Project

I’ve been back in Toronto for over a week now and it seems that the has taken on a life of it’s own.

  • Sue told me that her friend, who works in Social Services, is using as an allegory to increase intra-family communications with her client. How cool is that!?!?
  • Grant Kerr’s article ran in the ‘s on Saturday.  It’s not online, but I hear the photos are great (thanks to Cindy Wilson). I haven’t heard much about the article.  I’m hoping that’s not worrisome.  (Okay, it’s worrisome because I’m paranoid. I’m hoping it’s ill-founded.)
  • Sandy has sent:
    • a note that dad is replanting the trees knocked down by ATVs and weather.
    • another note that someone has built a snow guard along the path to protect one of the trees.  (I wish someone would go out and get a photo of that!)
    • and yet another note saying that some people are attempting to drive down the bl**ping hill. Drive! OMG!! Luckily no one who has actually made it to the edge has been foolish enough to continue down hill.
  • Peggy, a local artist and art teacher, has told me that a local gallery has expressed interested in doing a post-installation installation.  Luckily, the plans are already afoot to collect the photos from the trees and dad was scheming to harvest the tree intact. (There wouldn’t be much to show at a gallery if our secondary theme of impermanence was strictly adhered to, since the original plan was to let the photos go down with the trees as the ice thawed.) I’m hoping Peggy will consider curating this show.

Dad has told me that people are still walking and skiing along the path to see the photos.  The cool thing is that everyone coming to see the photos and trees is respecting the privacy of the island.  Which was a concern when we realized that people might actually come out to see them.  Though, of course, the 9 dogs starting to howl and bark as people approach the island by foot might work to dissuade them from coming onto the island.
The Media Gang

All I can say is “wow”!  Who knew.

p.s. I’ve put an album of the 50 Paces Project in-progress photos on .

Alexa Clark

Alexa is a digital marketer and author with over 20 years in digital & interactive communications in the food and tech industries. Alexa's CheapEats Restaurant Guides, for both Toronto & Ottawa, were Canadian best sellers. She is a recognized authority on social media and has been named one of Canada's 20 Leading Women in Social Media.

3 thoughts on “Media Shows Up: 50 Paces Project

  • March 6, 2007 at 7:03 pm

    Lex, the snow guard is a SNOW GIRL! I stopped by to have a wee chat with the guard the other night, a bit late, the moon coming up and all, on my way home…
    Very romantic to met a kindred spirit,even if she is all of snow, out in the middle of the river at the art exhibit. I think I am in love, though it may be a short-livid affair.

  • March 6, 2007 at 7:04 pm

    o, i’ll send a long her photo.

  • March 7, 2007 at 6:28 am

    sandy – you never know who you’ll meet in the middle of a frozen river after a pint of island’s beer.


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