What’s Your Status?
For those of you not familiar with Facebook, one of the most amusing features, when used properly, is the status update. It’s similar to Twitter, but every status update must begin with “Alexa is…”
Some of my friends are masters of the status update which can be funny, enigmatic or just painfully true.
Since I have been rather quiet on the blog as of late, I figured I’d give you a little hit of Status Updates.
May 6 – Alexa is sitting by the fire listening to the dogs howl.6:17am
May 7 – Alexa is off-line, off-grid, and off-shore. 8:03am
May 8 – Alexa is flying to TO. 7:23pm – Alexa is early and waiting for her gate to clear. 9:42pm
May 9 – Alexa is happy to be wired again. 8:21am – Alexa is terrified the photobank ate all her photos. 10:11am – Alexa is considering a backup strategy. 11:18am
Feel free to respond by answering the question “What are you doing?”