Monkey see. Monkey do.
Inspired by andrea’s recent post with the same title (different punctuation), and for my own amusement, I decided it was time to get this blog rated.
“This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:
- dead (3x)
- hell (1x)”
If I’m getting PG from that, I’m wondering what some of my reading list will get rated. So I’m tagging: creampuff, deadrobot, m.tinto, Venus and ScribeMama.
I got PG based on the use of the word, “pain.” My original blog got PG based on the use of the word, “fart.” Good gods, who designed this rating system??!
NC-17! Woot! Look at my Blleeeep! It’s Bleeep all over your Bleeep!
ScribeMama – hunh… “pain”, I guess it depends on the context. I tested “” and got “G” based on the use of the word “suck”… isn’t that more PG than “dead” or “pain” or “hell”?
Deadrobot – Bleeping excellent. But where does NC17 rate wrt XX?? Cuz you certainly can be naughty (in the good way)
XXX is an outright Porno. Brazilian waxed, “chukka chukka waaa”, “Hi! I’m delivering pizzas!” porno.
NC-17 has a “reputable” story but shows naughty bits in action. Repeatedly I think. But not as much as above.
Obviously I’m not really sure. I think David Cronenburg’s Crash was NC-17. I can’t check that at work.