Just In Case

I haven’t decided yet whether I will be participating in this year, but as I was sitting here weighing the pros and cons, I got an email from myfriendisKate.  She forwarded today’s   pointing me to a little lex-flavoured tidbit which I completely, COMPLETELY, over-looked. (and I’m blogging about it just to cover my NaBloPoMo butt)

Olympus has a new preset on some of their cameras – cuisine“The camera increases the saturation, sharpness and contrast settings to produce sharp, vivid images of the subject.”  Along with the 1cm super-macro on the this might be one sweet feature.

says that this feature is available on “seven of this year’s point-and-shoot cameras.” Complete with a knife & fork icon.  I couldn’t find the list of all seven, but found it listed for , , , , , and .

Dear blogger-relations team,

I would happily test drive one of these puppies for you.  Don’t worry about me feeling obliged to give you a good review just because you sent me a camera.  I’m not that kind of gal.  I can guarantee, however, that I will test the cuisine and super-macro features until, and well after, there’s food on the lens.

Please advise

Lex, food paparazzi

Oh, and since I’m writing letters…

Dear ,

my friend Kate and I have decided we are your new best friends.  Let’s do dinner. Call me.


Alexa Clark

Alexa is a digital marketer and author with over 20 years in digital & interactive communications in the food and tech industries. Alexa's CheapEats Restaurant Guides, for both Toronto & Ottawa, were Canadian best sellers. She is a recognized authority on social media and has been named one of Canada's 20 Leading Women in Social Media.

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