Book Done!
It’s time for a happy dance and a big whoop of joy! (not to mention the ceremonial opening of the new camera)
After working on this book for over 20 months, we have just delivered the book to the printers.
Now, I don’t believe this is the end of the work – there will be more proofs to review, corrections, errors we find after we’ve signed everything off…. but
- The book looks FANTASTIC!
- I laughed out loud at a profile this morning. That’s a real sign of the quality of the writing!
- It’s done and now I get to plan the party!!! Woo HOO!! (That’s “Book Launch” for the uninitiated.)
Congratulations, Lex. Can’t wait to see it.
I e-mailed you but this kinda thing requires a public hurrah, too…so…
When’s the party…errr…I mean Book Release, of course.
W00t!!! So Fantastic! Congrats. Love the colour of the cover!
Thanks guys!
Now onto getting the PR and launch ready. Next Toronto</a. & Vancouver. (still need to roll out the Vancouver site and everything)
You Are Invited!
Finally, the books are here and we’re having a party! Join us at East African Restaurant on Wed. Feb. 13th and help us celebrate the latest edition of CheapEats Ottawa. Talk about restaurants, food and Ottawa while you sample some