We will, we will Blog you!

View From The Cheap SeatsFrom ‘s Sweep! Sweep! to s photomontage of the seating chart last night’s adventure in National Television has been pretty effectively blogged. Add in & ‘s backstage video and you’ll have the whole experience… sans the kickin’ brunch with & Kate, but that was just for us.

In case you didn’t know.

We won!!!! Bloggers Rule!

The bloggers swept the whole thing:

  • Rick & SamanthaTeam Captain – Samantha Bee – Won.
  • Team Bloggers – Won.
  • Best Individual Score – Rick Spence (and co-back row rowdy) – Won.

Personally, after doing pathetically on the pre-game online Mental Gymnastic’s (I scored somewhere between 20%-50% on all 5 tests), I was pretty surprised to pull off a 52/60 on the live show (unofficial score counted on my fingers).   Perhaps some of ‘s mad trivia skillz rubbed off on me as we were cracking bad jokes and starting chants from the back corner.

Met and randomly photographed some very cool folks – bloggers and non-bloggers alike.  Keep an eye on my flickr stream.   (tag “blogthenation”)

Kiss (?)CelebsBlog The NationBlog The NationBlog The NationBlog The NationBlog The NationBlog The NationTry And Stop Us PhotobloggingBloggers


Here’s what we bloggers have been saying so far about our experiences.

BloggersCanadian Entrepreneur:  (Best of the lot, and yet still relegated to the back row… hummm)

: The Sweet Smell of Blogger Victory (check out the 4 lessons of the night – brilliant and so true)

: Owning the Homely (the only blogger willing to dress up – kudos to Jules!)

Don’t Wanna Brag But… (who saved $500 because we won!)

‘I’ll take trivia for $200 please, Alex’ (BTW, best blog name ever)

: Bloggers Take Home the Test the Nation Trophy

: Bee! Bee! Bee!

: Test the Nation Trip: Nerds on Top

: KA on CBC’s Test The Nation

: Bloggers’ brains on display on CBC Test the Nation

: The Answer is “Bee”


: The Story Of Trivia

: Test the Nation: the holding pen

: Test the Nation

: I’ve Vanished, Apparently

: Reminder – CBC – Test The Nation: Trivia

: Mr. Lacroix, I’m ready for my closeup …


For other participants (bloggers and non-bloggers alike):

  • If you blogged the event and I didn’t find your post, please feel free to ping this post or add your url to the comments
  • If you were there and want copies of the poor photos I took, just ask.  They’re no where near as good as Rannie’s, but they are blurry and badly composed… so they have that extra edgy look.
  • has anyone come up with a good tag? I’m using “blogthenation” for my photos on flickr.

Alexa Clark

Alexa is a digital marketer and author with over 20 years in digital & interactive communications in the food and tech industries. Alexa's CheapEats Restaurant Guides, for both Toronto & Ottawa, were Canadian best sellers. She is a recognized authority on social media and has been named one of Canada's 20 Leading Women in Social Media.

7 thoughts on “We will, we will Blog you!

  • January 24, 2008 at 10:21 am

    So were you actually in studio? We recorded the test and started to watch it, but got frustrated because they didn’t reveal answers. I certainly wasn’t about to start using a pen and paper. They should have asked 10 questions then revealed 10 answers – or something like that. I’d rather watch jeopardy.
    In any case, in the 30 minutes we watched we couldn’t see you in the blogger crowd. Did you get on the telly? Is it worth scanning the recording to try to find you?
    I won’t watch it otherwise. The hosts are so annoying, it’s unbearable.

  • January 24, 2008 at 10:27 am

    @ robyn – thanks!
    @ Junkii – yup, I was in the studio, though as an alternate they tucked me in the far back corner of the bloggers. Don’t bother searching for me. I’ve been told you can hear me more than you can see me ;->
    re: testing – they do share the answers at the end for all the questions. It’s the closest to fair thing they can do since some people are taking it real time online, some on paper and some in studio across multiple timezones.
    Thanks for trying.

  • January 24, 2008 at 2:11 pm

    I want you on our Tuesday night trivia team.

  • January 24, 2008 at 2:11 pm

    I want you on our Tuesday night trivia team.

  • January 24, 2008 at 2:14 pm

    Now you have a new comment problem Lex. (aside from me just being here)


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