2 Days of Events – I Need A Drink!
After #Whuffaoke Monday night celebrating Tara Hunt‘s book The Whuffie Factor with a bar full of fun, savvy and delightful people singing karaoke.
And #hoHOTo Tuesday night raising over $10,500 for Daily Bread food bank with the most amazing organising committee that I’ve ever had the opportunity to work with. Not to mention doing a prize draw every 5 minutes… I needed a drink.
(and obviously a nap! Man, those are some CRAZY eyes!)
Photo credit: #hohoto – @alexaclark — Originally uploaded by hyfen
who added: Read all about it on my blog: hyfen.net/out/quickies/2009-08/hohoto-2/
hmmm hyfen who took this crazy eyes photo says that he can’t leave a comment due to Captcha. so I’m testing with banality
(trying a comment again)
Need a nap? Certainly doesn’t look like you’re running short of energy in that photo.
Manic energy is not really healthy energy. I need to work on my poses so I don’t always look like “That Insane Lady Who’s Always Around” (or worse, become her)