5YAT: The Bandit Breakout
11 January, 2005 – Sunny, Windy & COLD –12º
[This post is part of the 5 Years Ago Today Series]
Woke up at Di’s and started checking prices of flights home. (The other one.) Then I grabbed my gear and hit the road. COLD walk home in the wind and sun, though it was fairly easy.
When I got to the shore I saw Bandit standing on the cliffs, looking terribly romantic and wind swept (for a dog.)
She moved around the island like a Queen, but came to me immediately when I called her. It looks like she unhooked her snib – nothing broken and it was easy to hook her back up.
She was loose for a while – some footprints are ice indentations, others more like brand new tracks in the snow. There were 2 bunches of feathers without chickens – one that looks identical to the golden rooster, and another that is white and red (likely from a hen). But another rooster seems to be missing too.
Found the remaining chickens and one rabbit hiding under the yurt platform, which was surrounded by dog tracks.
Waiting until morning to make a call on how much carnage was wreaked. You can take the dog out of the wild, but you can’t take the wild out of the dog.