Matt’s Grilled Pineapple with Cucumber Mint Granitee and Candied Peanuts
This Grilled Pineapple with Cucumber Mint Granitee and Candied Peanuts is easy and elegant and oh so refreshing. The fresh Ontario cucumbers bring an extra intensity of flavour and fragrance to the granitee that you just simply don’t get when they are shipped in.
Ontario cucumbers from Longo’s, mint straight from the garden and a recipe from the Secret Pickle. It’s a perfect combination to impress the In-laws.
I spent the weekend in Waterloo with my in-laws including my sister-in-law Christine who was home visiting from Alberta. So when I was walking through the fresh produce aisle at Longo’s I was thinking about what I could make to share and make the visit extra special. I kept coming back to the baskets of cucumbers.

When you are thinking about making something seasonal and fresh in August everyone talks about the peaches, the tomatoes, the corn… but what about the lovely and oft-overlooked fresh refreshing flavours of the cucumber? They get dumped into brine and pickled to eat later.
Not this time!
I asked Chef Matt Kantor to share his recipe for Cucumber + Mint Granitee from the last Secret Pickle Supper Club where he served to rave reviews on bruléed pineapple with crushed candied peanut and smoked paprika oil.

Cucumber + Mint Granitee
This mint and cucumber granitee, or granita, is easy and elegant and oh so refreshing. The fresh Ontario cucumbers bring an extra intensity of flavour and fragrance to the granitee that you just simply don’t get when they are shipped in.
- 1/3 cup sugar
- 1/3 cup water
- 3 cucumbers, 4-6”, chopped
- 6 mint leaves
- pinch of salt
In a small pot, heat the water and sugar until it boils.
Add everything (except the small pot) to a blender and puree.
Pour mixture into a shallow large casserole-shaped container.
Remove from the freezer and scrape with a fork until you have a coarse ice.
Repeat the freeze-and-scrape 2 more times.
Nutrition Information:
Amount Per Serving: Saturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 0g

Since I have no skills in designing a plate, I stole Chef Matt Kantor’s dish in its entirety. Complete with grilled pineapple and crushed (ish) candied peanuts, I attempted to make my plate as appealing as his.
Cucumber + Mint Granitee w/ Grilled Pineapple & Candied Peanuts

Grilled Pineapple with Cucumber Mint Granitee and Candied Peanuts

Grilled Pineapple with Cucumber + Mint Granitee and candied peanuts
- 1/4 recipe of Cucumber + Mint Granitee
- 1/4 recipe of Cucumber + Mint Granitee
- 1/4 pineapple
- 1/4 pineapple
- 4T candied peanuts
- 4T candied peanuts
Peel and core pineapple
Slice the pineapple lengthwise (or otherwise) into slices of even thickness.
Place on a preheated BBQ grill or grill pan on high until golden
Crush candied peanuts (because I’m assuming you bought them like I did)
Place pineapple on plate, scoop out some tasty tasty granitee and plunk it on top.
Artfully sprinkle candied peanuts on the plate with abandon.
You must use abandon and full arm gestures to get the full effect of this dish. (Okay, you don’t have to, but it’s way more fun if you do!)
Can be made without peanut or any nuts at all.
It turned out to be the perfect end to a wonderful weekend with my in-laws! Thanks Matt for sharing this recipe so I could look so good!
And the best part was that Christine served it and I didn’t have to do the dishes!

Note: this post is part of my Longo’s Taste Ontario Ambassador series. For more information and disclosure on my relationship please take a second and read about my Foodie Adventure: Longo’s Taste Ontario Ambassador! and my Disclosure statement
Read other posts from my Longo’s Taste Ontario Ambassador series:
- Longo’s: And The Winner of the Favourite Cook Photo Contest Spectacular is….
- Longo’s: Vote in the Favourite Cook Photo Contest Spectacular
- Longo’s: Photo Contest – Favourite Cook Photo Contest Spectacular
- Longo’s: Taste Ontario, Taste the World Round Up
- Longo’s: A night of Taste Ontario Taste the World
- Longo’s: And Then A Photo Contest Broke Out!
- Watching Matt in action at Longo’s in prep for tonight’s #TasteOntario Blogger Dinner
- Longo’s: Friday Wings
- Longos Thursdays Pizza
- Longo’s: Wednesday’s Chicken
- Longo’s: Tuesday’s Sushi
- Giveaway: Taste Ontario Taste the World at Longo’s Nov 30
- Longo’s: Monday’s Stir Fry Kits
- Longo’s Week of Daily Dinner Deals
- Longo’s Meets CheapEats: A Day Of Longo’s Meals