Reminders of Days Past
I’m playing with a new tool called MemoLane which Tara introduced me to. It consolidates all your social media activity into one cronological stream… a Timeline or Lifestream one might say (if you wanted to risk infringement on a what I’m sure are becoming trademarks as I speak). I’m finding it interesting but not really hugely compelling.
What I do find compelling is their MemoMail feature which combs your lifestream of social media spaces you’ve configured and sends you a daily email reminding you of something interesting you were up to a couple of years ago on this same date. (okay, it’s not always interesting… that’s why I removed the Foursquare feed because a MemoMail filled with check-ins was yawnsville!)
But today as I was reading my email over my morning bagel I found this poking me in the face:
With these too, all from 5 years ago today.
mmmm fresh apple-wood-smoked bagels straight from the barbecue, that would be much better than the bagel I’m eating right now.
Thing is, it also reminded me of a couple of great times that happened the day before:
and the day after:
Which is why I’m actually enjoying MemoMail so much more than many other social media tools which I’ve tried. Because it reminds me of my A-roll.
Love your love of Memomail. I linked to it in my syndicated column Techlife about tools that help you relive your past. Nice writing.
Glad you liked it Dave, and thanks for including the link to your article.