Today: 15000th photo to Flickr, and my 9th blogiversary.
Today marks the 9th anniversary of my personal blog – (yes, this one!)
The photo above is also the 15000 photo I have loaded to my personal account on Flickr.
Yes 15000!
If I ever wonder if I’m producing enough, this just answered it for me. Though I have a backlog of photos, posts and ideas just bursting to get out, so don’t expect me to stop any time soon.
happy blogiversary
happy blogiversary
happy blogiversary
happy blogiversary
happy happy happy happy
happy blogiversary
happy happy happy happy
happy blogiversary
happy blogiversary
happy blogiversary
happy blogiversary
happy blogiversary
@grrrr Thanks Ger!
happy blogiversary !!!! Keep it comming! 🙂
Thanks Susan. It’s nice to hear that!