CUTCO Carver – 9-inch Carving Knife
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One of the knives I was interested in trying as part of the work I’m doing with Cooking with CUTCO was one of the CUTCO Carvers. Carving knives, especially at Christmas, have a special place in my heart.
We used to go to my grandparent’s house for Xmas and my grandmother would present a perfectly roasted turkey to the table, all dressed up on the serving plate. She would set it down in front of my grandfather who would stand up and elegantly carve the turkey. Long draws of the knife through the crisp skin, watching the juices flow down the side and seeing everyone around the table completely focused on the process as my grandfather asked who wanted a leg.
That’s when the chaos broke since my mother and her 3 brothers all love dark meat. Luckily, I like white meat and it was always perfectly cooked and presented in one long even slice on my plate. As the first grandchild, I often was served first too. It made the meat just a little sweeter (we have that kind of family). Of course, I couldn’t touch my food until everyone was served (we have that kind of family too).
So when I received the 9” CUTCO Carver memories just came flooding back.

While it’s not time for Xmas dinner quite yet, we’ve already use the Carver to carve roast chicken and porchetta.

Carving was a joy. The Carver has what looks like a serrated edge, but CUTCO knives use a “Double-D® Recessed Edge”:

Here’s how CUTCO describes it:
Double-D® Recessed Edges have unique edge configuration: a three-way cutting edge with a concave grind. Unlike serrated edges that rip and tear food, and cannot be sharpened, CUTCO’s Double-D® edge blades have three distinct cutting edges that make a clean, smooth cut every time and stays sharp longer than straight-edge knives. They are designed to stay sharp for many years under normal household use. Can be factory sharpened.
The Double-D knives, including the carver and the steak knives, really do slice wonderfully and I’ve found Gerry grabbing the carver to cut bread, slice vegetables, and “carve” the left-over porchetta. I suspect he’ll be taking ownership of this knife fairly quickly, if he hasn’t already.

Of course the Double-D edge can’t be sharpened at home, so you have to send them into CUTCO when (or more likely if) they become dull. The people I’ve talked to who own these Double-D knives have told me how impressed they are with how long they keep an edge.

It’s great for carving, but I wanted to get some insider tips, so I turned to Lindsay from CUTCO again, to ask about the Carver since she’s had one in her knife kit for a long time.
CUTCO Knife Hints & Tips from Lindsay:
I use the the 9″ Carver fairly normally. It has the S curve to the blade which makes it easier to get around bones when you are carving meats like turkey, bone-in roast, rack of lamb and other foods like that.
I like that it’s length so you don’t have to saw back and forth in little strokes which often tears up your meat. I use the full length of the knife to make long strokes and you can get nice thin slices. It’s amazing.
If you don’t have the slicer, the carver can be used for fresh breads and for shredding cabbage for coleslaw. You just have to manoeuvre the blade a little since it’s not completely straight and ends in a point.

The 9” Carver is $112 and if you are looking for a good carving knife that will work well on all your roasts and for your carving need, this is a solid knife. The CUTCO site even suggests using it on large vegetables and fruit, so I may try it out on a squash or two over the holidays.
It’s going to be in heavy rotation this Xmas season!
More info about the CUTCO 9” Carver and carving:
- 9” Carver on
- How to Carve a Rib Roast instructions
- How to Carve a Crown Roast instructions
- How to Carve a Pot Roast instructions
- How to Carve a Ham instructions
- CUTCO’s How to carve a Turkey video
- How to Carve a Turkey or Chicken instructions
- And while you’re at it, why not check this Beer-Cured Turkey recipe too.

Note: this post is sponsored and part of my Cooking with CUTCO series. For more information on my relationship with CUTCO read Lex & CUTCO and my disclosure statement
yup. mine mine mine. mwa ha ha
grrrrhmmmm (Light Bulb!) perhaps I can wrap it and make it a present… oh, stop reading this comment right now gerrythorpe