One Modern Couple Joins In Tapping Maple Trees for Making Maple Syrup
Every year I go up to the farm to tap the trees I have people ask if they can come see how it works. This year, my friends One Modern Couple and I dropped by the farm on our way back from the #LetsGoMaple Winter Retreat to tap the trees.
And then those guys made a video! Where I talk a lot about tapping, trees, and introduce you to MarbillHill Farm. The farm where I am lucky enough to get into some serious culinary adventures like tapping trees and making maple syrup.
In the video, I have a serious case of Do-What-I-DO not what I say! I said to tap with a slight downward angle. THIS IS WRONG! As you’ll see in all the other clips, when my brain actually started working properly, you tap straight in or at a slight upward angle.
Thanks to Macrae and Carolann for letting me post their video. And check them out at One Modern Couple.
I’m glad I got in on the next tapping and sugaring adventure.
It’s not the same without you! Besides you did most of the hauling and setup work, so in this case “not the same” means “way more work” without you.
Thank you for being up for these adventures!