Taste Canada Cooks The Books 2014

Wow, what a weekend. I spent most of my weekend eating amazing food and judging it at Taste Canada Cooks

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Week Filled With Conferences, Cookies, Contests and Crowds (lovely crowds!)

Last week was a whirlwind, leaving my brain (and my SD cards) filled with images, ideas and inspiration. I have

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Blissdom Ultimate Foodie Excursion – Wander Through Kensington w/ Lex

As part of the Blissdom Toronto 2012 Ultimate Foodie Excursion, I led a tour through Kensington Market Sunday Morning. We did the tour after a great breakfast at Caplansky’s & before heading down to Longo’s MLS for the the Cuisinart Soup Challenge. What an honour to be invited to do this.Thank you Emma, it was great fun!

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