Does Mercury Deal with Deliveries Too?
I recently asked Gerry if an email I was thinking of posting was funny? Or if it was just bile? he responded….
nope. not to be confused with something funny.
bile very obvious. bile spilling off the screen.
enough bile being produced to digest a boot.
Love you,
I decided to post it anyway:
Does mercury deal with deliveries too?
I gotta say, after rescheduling my day to be here and waiting a whole
day just to find out Purolator came by around 1:08pm but didn’t bother buzzing long enough for me to hear
them… is getting me down.I ranted on the CSR lady a bit: "yes, I’m sure I didn’t leave the house, I’m not even dressed yet."
Followed by: "tomorrow!?!?! Yes, I can be here. I’ll just have to cancel all my plans for my last day before I go on the road."
Then the ever-so-tightly enunciated: "perhaps
you don’t understand, every OTHER courier company seems to be able to
deliver to me on time, the first time, every time. Purolator only seems
to be able to get me my packages without incident 1 out of every 3
tries."She put me on hold, got the driver paged, came
back on and told me they would try, but because it was more than 1 hour
after the "attempt" to deliver, they couldn’t promise the driver would
be able to get back to me today. If it wasn’t here by 5pm, I should
phone and reschedule delivery for tomorrow.oh boy.
Now tell me… is that bile?